12 September 2007

One of those nights

So I'm excited. And for once, happily so.

Yeah, that's nothing new but what I'm excited about would probably shock my co-workers. We have an training exercise this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. Of course I'm one of the evaluators, not a trainee, so that does make a difference.

But it's a good thing, because now that I'm in this new position I can actually use my previous 10 years of experience and help the new folks train in their job and help the rest of the players understand what it means to play the game with us in my old job.

See, every year we have this exercise. Every year that I have been in, my former section was labeled a non-player in the exercise. Or if we did play and tried to play, people didn't know how to play with us. It was like elementary school and being the odd man out or being the fat kid no one wanted on their team. So we'd play by ourselves, humoring ourselves with our own oddities (like wearing the glasses backwards in the mask for 2 hours straight and having an almost permanent mark for the rest of the day because of it) and keeping a low profile.

But not this year. This year we're going to be in the thick of it, which is awesome.

Except that, because we've never played, all our exercises and scenarios have to be created from scratch...by me. I have a general idea of what I want to see happen, but I have to write a lot of it out so that the players will understand what I'm looking for, or at least give them the information and see how they interpret and deal with the situations at hand. I have to find some helpers to make some practice phone calls. I have to find someone to play at the gate to test their confrontation skills with outsiders. I have to really pay attention so I can follow all of what they are doing so I can fully evaluate what they are doing and help them to improve.

All that in a game we've never really played before. All that with players of whom one just got back from training an done just joined the section. All that with scenarios that I haven't written yet. All that with just me as the evaluator of a shop that won't be stationary, shouldn't be stationary, and so I'll be doing as much running as they will.

This should be very interesting.

And that's why, on a Wednesday morning at 1:04 a.m. I'm up writing on my blog. Because I woke up an hour ago in a slight panic because I didn't get anything written during work on Tuesday because of a bunch of other meetings and so my days and times to get these scenarios written are edging closer and closer together.

A slight panic because I have a ton of people to contact tomorrow to get some help.

A slight panic because I have meetings all morning long and my regular job to do besides all this.

A slight panic because there are two CBTs I have to complete before Saturday to do this gig.

A slight panic because I'm worried that maybe I'm not qualified to evaluate and that I'll be butting heads with at least one of the people I'm evaluating.

A slight panic because this is totally new territory for me and I'm suddenly worried I won't be able to live up to the pressure or expectations.



lebendig said...

Ok, ignore all of your panics...you just made being in the military sound like FUN. That, my friend, is a hard thing to do with regards to someone like me. Revel in your excitement, and I hope it goes well!

Karen Elizabeth said...

good luck! you have incredible organizational skills and you work so hard that you'll probably die from overworking yourself anyways, so what's one more week in the grand scheme of things? :)