07 December 2006

Wanting to be Tops

Last night was great. I got to spend time with my fabulous friends JB, Megan, Megan’s Chris, Emily, Kevin and Kevin. Kevin’s Sarah was supposed to be there, too, but she wisely opted to rest up for her important approval interview today (and she was approved, naturally). But much Top Chef was watched, cookies and chips were consumed, and beers were coerced by me from others.

Top Chef is an interesting show and I’m sure most of you out there in TV-land know what it is, but this was a new one for me. I don’t have cable so watching shows on stations like Bravo, TV Land, Showtime, Comedy Central, TBS, HBO, etc., just doesn’t happen in my world. I live with six stations, my rabbit ears and a tiny TV.

So anyway, Top Chef was pretty cool and since over the past year I have become “miss baker”, this was very interesting. I’m so not creative to come up with what they do. I admit, I yelled at the TV and wondered why people were still competing who just didn’t seem to be very together, as it were, but really deep down I’m jealous. I wish I had their abilities, drive, skills to do and go after what they want.

And until I figure out what I’m going to do with my life, I’m going to use their recipes and start practicing on my own cooking skills.


jb said...

last night was SO fun ... thanks for coming over! let's do it again! :)

Megan said...

Hooray hooray! Fun fun fun! And if any of those recipes try out and actually taste good, you let me know...