04 July 2011


First, happy independence day to all celebrating America's freedom today.

I must be out of practice with this blogging everyday thing...I know I had a great blog post from yesterday but I can't for the life of me remember it. I couldn't remember yesterday either. Hopefully I'll get back into a good practice of writing and I'll remember things better.

MS and I relaxed today, which was much needed. We slept in again, I went for a run (mostly because I felt guilty that most of my running friends were running races today), then finished mowing the weed patch. MS and I started laundry and then went to town for lunch and to see "Thor". I really liked the film, and as MS said - you really can't go wrong with comic books stories. :) I never grew up with those but I'm enjoying them.

Tonight we're going to see if we can see any of the firework shows around, though I'm ready for sleep. Oh well...

Anyway...hopefully tomorrow I'll remember my stories better so I'm not quite so lame here. :) Happy day to you all!

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