18 October 2007


So I did it. Yesterday after a lengthy email conversation with JB I did it. I signed up for the Brookings Marathon next May.

Why? Well, I am insane...yes, we've established that. But I'm better with a goal, which is ironic since I used to, and still kind of do, hate making goals. I'm a planner, but goals seem a little too final, maybe, or too optimistic and with my fear of failure goals are just downright frightening. Plus there's the completion factor. If you make a goal, you're supposed to complete it and if you don't, well then you've failed. But a list...well, a list of things to do, there's not a true time limit on those. At least not in my head. Yeah, there are higher priorities (A's over B's in the category world) but there's still not a time limit. And yet, I like deadlines. I'm very strange. As I write this I'm more confused than ever so maybe I'll just stop.

SO anyway...another marathon. Yep. My running buddy (RB) called me yesterday morning to talk about our run time/plan for the day and he asked how I was. I said, “Crazy.” He was immediately concerned and, thinking something was wrong with work, said, “What's going on?” I told him that I had just signed up for the Brookings Marathon and he busted out laughing. I had been lamenting The Race ever since I 'finished' and had spent the last couple weeks contemplating running again, so this wasn't really a new topic.

And to top it off, I have decided that no matter what (barring injury or death) I will be running TC next year. I have to officially complete that course. Please start praying now for cooler weather!

Today's run was awesome. I haven't been out in a week, and I really shouldn't count last Thursday since it was only about 1.5 miles. Today it was raining, not just drizzle, but rain, and it was great. My running gear was completely soaked, I squeezed water out of my hair, and my shoes won't be dry for a week. It was great. I felt good. We ran all the hills without stopping at the top, conversation went smoothly – didn't feel overly tired, and we went 4 miles at an easy 12 min pace. Granted we walked a little in the middle but the rest was running. I loved it.

I know a lot of runners don't like the rain, which I'm not sure why. It's cooler. I know the wet isn't always good since it can chafe in places you'd rather not chafe. And there's always a chance you could slip. But maybe this love of the rain just goes with my insanity.


Karen Elizabeth said...

I'm excited for you!! The Brookings Marathon, like I said before, holds none of the "oh my God it's a marathon!" type hype...because basically its some people who decided to run a long distance in the same place/time/day. So at least your nerves will be able to take a break. I seriously rolled out of bed, walked to the starting line, stretched a bit and started running when they told me. And it was great.
Wish I could be there to cheer you on and/or run it with you. Bugger for this overseas thing.
keep me updated with how it is going!

M. said...

Woo Hoo! Congrats to you for getting back in saddle!