26 February 2006

Licked by a nerd

I had the joy of playing with the cutest puppy in the world yesterday as well as hanging out with one of my dearest friends. So much fun – the licking, the petting, the playing (that would be with the dog, mind you) was a much needed release. It’s so awesome to feel that unconditional love. Don’t get me wrong, cats are great and when O’Ryan or Hyde snuggles up to me and purrs it’s one of the sweetest things, but there’s just something about a hand licking from a puppy to make you sigh and think that all is right with the world.

Also watched Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Great movie. I’m not always a big fan of Jim Carrey or Kirsten Dunst, but I was able to overcome that and really enjoy this movie…twisted but, man, what a mind blower. It made me think, not only about relationships I’ve had, but also about experiences. Everyone, including me (maybe especially me at this point of my life), wants a happy life – simple, no problems and at times to forget the bad. But it’s the bad parts that help make us who we are…it’s the tough struggles in our life that help shape and mold us into the person we are going to be…it’s what makes me me and you you. To take that away…to erase that part of your life is erasing part of yourself. The struggles aren’t always fun, but it’s what life is about.

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