19 July 2005

I've got couscous!

C let me out of work yesterday an hour early! WOW! On my way home Morty hit 10,000 miles. It was a very exciting moment. I called Mom to share it with her but had her voice mail so I just left her a long message first then called back and she answered. It was pretty funny. So when I got home I sat and finished HP6. It was really good! The ending sucked a bit but also left things open for HP7. Nicely done. This really has been a great series. I saw today on imdb.com that Ralph Fiennes is playing Lord Voldemort in the next movie coming out. I suppose I should watch the first ones so I can catch up - they are a little different from the books which drives me nuts but maybe it won't be so bad. I mean, come on! Ralph Fiennes! He's a hottie!

After I read I took out the garbage and ran into A&A. Their friend Erica was over so I met her and chatted for a bit then headed in to clean. I wasn't in the door 2 minutes when A came down and invitied me to supper. That was really sweet. I felt a little bad because I felt like I had inadvertently vied for an invite which I really hadn't. But they said I didn't and just wanted me there. We had grilled salmon, grilled corn and couscous (I picked out the shrooms to A's amusement). A& Erica played Trivial Pursuit while A and I chatted outside. All in all, a very nice evening.

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