09 January 2011

Life is Good

Life is good. You know, seriously! Life is good! I'm really happy. Despite the oddness and the weirdness and the crapiness of parts, overall Life is Good. We are truly blessed. I know sometimes it's really hard to see that, but we are. I keep reminding myself of the great things that are in my life - MS, my family - including K&E and Nika, my friends - and I realize that even when all the shit hits the fan, life is still good.

I'm a little overwhelmed right now...going back and forth between annoyed that I have to do 5 online courses in the next couple days, plus another longer version due by April, ALL the additional duties I have at work that keep adding up...and yet I flip back to how wonderful my BF is and how he takes care of me when I can't, how fabulous my friends are and how my life is fuller because of them, and how good life is a whole. I'm here, I'm alive, and Life is Good.


Anonymous said...

Good thing to remember... Thanks for reminding me that there are good things in life.

~moe~ said...

I know! I've been having some rough times, and lacking in carbs so I've been crankier than usual. I just had to stop and realize this because life is too short to forget it.

Hugs to you, Jill! It's been awhile. I hope you're doing well!

Anonymous said...

- Karen