21 August 2010

I went to a mall...voluntarily

Last night was great. Tim, this guy John, and I went to the local American Legion. They were having karaoke and Tim wanted to go sing. Okay. I'm not a big karaoke fan, but occasionally I'll have 'a moment' and go and participate.

Good thing I did. We were 3 of maybe 8 people in the bar, and that was including the karaoke lady, her husband, and the bartender. And other than the karaoke lady, we were the only ones singing.

Tim has a great voice and made me cry when he sang Collin Raye's "Love, Me". We also sang a couple duets, which was a lot of fun. I miss singing like that.

Today, Mary and I went on a little trip to Birmingham. We were bored and didn't want to sit around our rooms doing nothing. So we drove around wishing we could find a mall or a California Pizza Kitchen. Funny enough, as we turned the corner into the Galleria we decided to try, there was a CPK. :) YAY! Nothing better than a Roasted Spinach and Artichoke Chicken pizza. Mmmmmm.

But then we went to the mall to walk off all the food. Somehow we ended up at Ann Taylor's Loft and shopping for me - to ease into an update of my wardrobe from t-shirts and shorts to "grown-up clothes". She picked out an outfit, then an associate came over and basically Mary said, "Dress her." And they did. I tried on shirts, pants, sweaters, belts, necklaces, more shirts. It was funny. I'm easing into adding color into my wardrobe too. I actually bought an orange shirt and it does look good. I really wanted to find a red one, but with my coupons I have I can do that when I get home.

The best thing was that they had a 30% off your entire purchase if you buy a pair of pants at regular price. And then I could get 20% off if I signed up for their card. Initially I had forgotten about the first deal, so as the lady was ringing up my purchase and we were at $200 and only 3 items had been scanned, I thought the card might be a good idea. But when I got my total and it was almost half the cost, I was so stoked! YAY for deals!

Now I'm just hoping that when I get home, if I walk into ATL at our mall and say, "Dress me" there will be someone as nice and smart and patient as the lady who worked with us today was. :)

AND I got my hair cut. :) I have been very productive today. Now, I'm just listening to "Juno" on tv and relaxing. I did a load of laundry and I'm debating on starting to pack for my return. I have a few more clothes to add now. :)

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