18 February 2007

Becky HomeEc-y

I love to bake and cook.

I'm sure I've mentioned that before, but I really do. This weekend I'm visiting E&K (they're at a 'thing' so I'm hanging out catching up on blogs - Man I need a computer at home) and last night I cooked us the Salsa Chicken recipe from the South Beach book. Of course, I added a bit here, and left out a bit there, but it turned out really well. Tonight I'm cooking another chicken recipe I found in mom's Family Circle magazine or something like that. I've had it before I really liked it. I hope they like it too.

In my quest to catch up on my 'reading', I've been going through my saved links of blogs I used to read at the former job. Many many of them are cooking or baking related and it struck me just how little I've been doing of either lately. I made a couple batches of cookies in January, to try out the new stove and figure out its quirks, and I've made a couple chicken recipes too. BUT I haven't been baking or cooking like I used to.

I'm getting the urge to make a pie, or bake some cupcakes so I can get out my frosting gun and decorate to my heart's content. I'm aching to mix up some batter and experiment with new recipes. Or maybe I'm just wishing I could lick the batter off the mixer.

Good thing this coming weekend I have nothing planned. The past 3 weeks I've been booked, and while that's good for my social calendar, my kitchen is lonely. I think I hear it calling out to me, even from two states away...Yes, there it is, "Moe! I need cookie dough!"


Anonymous said...

yum, I need cookie dough too. I wish I was a good cook. Sadly, I am not.

Sophzilla said...

You have a frosting gun? OOoooh. I'm so jealous!

I was on a chili cooking tear in January. I kind of maxed out on that.

Anonymous said...

Great timing! We're having a bake sale next Wednesday and need donations of baked goods. Can you get the goods here by noon that day?
It's all for Bob Speirs and his family as he continues to recuperate from his liver damage and then he can have his heart surgery - fun.