08 January 2007

Baptism by fire

This weekend was a blur. I'm sure I was working and doing many exciting things, but I can't for the life of me really comprehend my memories. But I'll try.

I got to work Friday afternoon and had the obligatory check-in with RAC, which is always good, and then checked in with the new bosses. There was a retirement party so I headed there and ran into two really good friends and countless people congratulating me on my new position and then asking me if I was told I'd be on committees or if I knew anything about so-and-so and such-and-such. Uffda. I finally escaped back to my old office to set some items up for KN to work on while I'd be jumping back and forth the rest of the weekend. Of course it was a paper month so we would have been busier than usual anyway.

Saturday I got in early to add some thoughts to KN's list and noticed that no one was in yet in my new office. So I ran down, grabbed the roll call list and my notes of interest for the group and called finance to see if I was supposed to be doing roll call or if someone else was? Nope, it's me. Is AP in to walk me through this? Yep...thank God. So I had my crash course in roll call and headed in. Our Shirt wasn't there so I ran through a list of important stuff from the bulletin and boom, I was in.

The rest of the day I went back and forth from the new office and the old. I stayed late to work on the old office stuff and of course went in early on Sunday and repeated it all again. Thank goodness I'm still around today to clean up my mess for the paper. We didn't get it done but I can finish up most of it today, get it approved tomorrow and off it can go to the printer.

I'm excited for my new job but scared to death too. It's doing a lot of work I haven't done since I've worked in PA all of my career and a lot of this wasn't needed there. But my predecessor did set up a book of how to do things, and I'll just have to take it step by step I guess. I'm sure I'll screw up, but hopefully not as often as I'm fearing I will. I just need to make sure this week sets my pattern for work - especially the little things: working out everyday, taking 15 minutes at the end of the day to create a to-do list for the next day and cleaning up the desk so I'm not walking into a mess. Slowly but surely, it'll all come together.


Anonymous said...

If Webster dictionary was a picture book under Multitask would be a picture of Moe. Welcome aboard and congratulations. Your new workplace has benifited more than you have in hiring you to this postion. I know what you do but do your readers know? Brag alittle, you deserve it. Remember to breath in an breath out as you learn the new ropes. Clueless

kendi said...

Hang in there, girl. You are like me, you'll feel better in a few weeks when you know what to expect from your day. In the meantime, make sure you get enough sleep. I was so incredibly tired during the first year of working here because everything was so new.