04 April 2006

Lacking luster

I was struggling yesterday with this thing. No, THIS thing – this blog. I was looking at the limited comments I’ve been getting, which is totally fine because really, even I’m bored with it. My writing is lacking luster lately. Say that five times fast. Ha.

But I have to remember that I’m not writing for others, at least I’m not really intending to, but I’m writing for myself. The fact I’m bored with my writing just means I’m not writing about what I really want to write about. So I need to figure that out.

I skim a lot (!) of blogs throughout the day. Several (other than my friends’) have become ones that I look forward to reading: Heather, Mrs. Kennedy, FP, Manda, and Melissa. The latter was recently interviewed by Leah, whom I also read, and in this interview Melissa said this:

What do you want to tell other bloggers, if anything?

There’s this ‘popular blogger’ debate I keep hearing. All blogs have value if they have 4 readers or 4,000. You just have to keep writing what you love and the people who are supposed to be reading it and the people who are important to you will find it.

So, even though I limit, somewhat, who gets to read this, I still have it open to the public. So maybe if I start actually writing on things I find important and love, this place won’t suck like it has. :) I do like the idea of a journal, and this has served the purpose well and will continue to, but I’m going to make a strong commitment to write more, and about better topics. 'cause really, I'm not that exciting of a topic. :)


jb said...

keep writing! keep writing! keep writing! your faithful readers just don't always have anything particularly interesting or insightful to comment on ... it's not about your writing as much as it's about our creativity! but we read and we laugh and we care!!

~moe~ said...

OH i won't quite writing...I'm just focusing on my focus of writing..and what i'm writing. It's all good. :)

Karen Elizabeth said...

so I just got a comment on my blog from my "cousin-in-law". I have a million cousins, and I didn't think that ANY of them read my blog. I don't know which of their spouses wrote the comment. BUT it just goes to show that people you don't even know are reading your blog. Seriously. I read the blog of a hot guy from England. Yep. and I don't comment.
unless you want more comments about eating too many tator tots...

kendi said...

yeah, i usually wait to be inspired, which is probably the wrong way. but i do know that little things can be enough to trigger a pretty thoughtful response, so maybe you could keep your eyes out for those things. you're a good "noticer."

truthfully, none of us is blogging daily about the stuff that keeps us up at night, at least i'm not, and that's okay, too. every once in a while you get a really poignant post, but life isn't perpetual insight.

Anonymous said...

i think it's great that you blog. every once in awhile i check in and read it just because i can.