03 October 2006

Free for the taking

This is the best project I’ve seen in a long time.


In my goal to try to stay positive, here are a few good things today:

  • I slept almost completely through the night last night. I did wake up once but I was able to readjust myself, snuggle in under the covers, and completely re-immerse myself in my sleeping state. So that’s good at least.
  • I (finally!) bought a digital camera last night. I started adding up the cost of the disposable ones (cost of camera, developing, digital disc, etc.) and this will be so much cheaper in the long run. I got a Canon Power Shot A530. I was a little hesitant on this, having looked at the Panasonic Lumix, but this has a viewfinder and pretty much the same features. We’ll see, I guess. It feels like a toy, but it’s nice to have a camera that will take pictures without red-eyes. And since it’s fun like a toy, I’ll probably use it. PLUS, Best Buy had a super cheap deal on 1GB disks (on sale for $20 after rebate, this week only!).
  • Tonight I head to the Guthrie for Lost in Yonkers. I really love that I have season tickets. I know I wouldn’t be going to these shows if I didn’t and I’d be missing out on some great theatre.
  • I got to talk to K today (thanks for calling!). It’s good to reconnect with friends who are on much more solid ground than I am. I always feel calmer after talking with her. She has a great head on her shoulders and is truly one of my dearest friends.

So that’s my life so far. It’s it grand.

p.s. Send a hug. Donate to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

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