29 August 2011


Well, I guess that whole 24 days of blogging is out the window.

This month has been pretty crazy - a couple work trips, a lot of extra work shifts (Can you head the O'Jay's singing?), and a lot of just extra stuff. Every weekend has had something going on and if it hasn't, then MS and I have been trying to reconnect.

In light of the latter, MS and I spent one afternoon at a local lake so he could fish and I got 4 hours of minimally interrupted reading. He's also been working on (and finished yesterday) a clothes line for me. We've had lots of "discussions" regarding this project. I'll post pictures later. :)

And I've been running. My next marathon is coming up around the end of October, I think I have something like just shy of 8 weeks til the event, so running and FXB have been my life. I also signed up for a new race this next month - a 15.2 run where you start in one town (at the funeral home!) and run to the next town (a college town) and finish on their campus. It's all road racing which should be interesting with the cars that will be speeding by. When I signed up for that I was only one of 15 people who had signed up. Maybe I'll win a prize! HA! But apparently this has a lot of rolling hills which will be a good training run for the marathon.

Work is good...nothing exciting. Well some stuff exciting but not a lot. I've been working a lot of extra shifts to try to catch up on some projects, especially after being gone for 3 weeks. It's been helpful.

I think that's it. Not much going on in life, but I do miss writing. I need to do that more. I'll try, I promise. :)

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