10 April 2007

Easter Blog

I love writing these blog entries weeks before I’ll probably actually publish them… oh well.

So Easter was great. Mom and I went to my younger older brother’s place to have lupper with him and his wife and kids. After we ate, the oldest, Jake, was showing me what the Easter bunny had brought him – plastic eggs filled with candy, how fun. But some of the eggs were egg-shaped sport balls – like basketball, soccer ball, football and my favorite, the baseball. Jake didn’t know what the baseball was (apparently my younger older brother thinks baseball sucks so he doesn’t talk about it at home) so I explained what it was and said, “The team you need to remember is the Cleveland Indians. They are THE team in baseball.” Whatever, Jake didn’t care, he just wanted the candy.

Well, I, being the great aunt and all that I am, brought him an Easter basket too – with eggs filled with M&Ms, sugar-free Peeps, some bubbles and some flash cards with letters/pictures. I held up the B which had a baseball on it and Jake, in all his brilliance, couldn’t remember what it was but instead said, “The Indians play that.”

Apparently last night my younger older brother held up the eggs to Jake again, asking him which was which, and when he saw the baseball egg, Jake said, “The Indians play that. I know that because Aunt Moe told me so.”

Ah, what a smart kid. :)

1 comment:

Baritonality said...

so, does this mean that I didn't miss out on your blogs as you wrote them? You just drafted them and then published them en masse so that people like me would think they were hallucenating throughout the past month and a half?

That's bratty! I like it.

PS I miss you like crazy. It's not the same with the Sarah's