30 May 2006


So the weekend is over. More importantly, baccalaureate and graduation are finished and a memory. Of course, we still have the wrap up this Friday so we can fix things for next year. But both events went well and are finished. Yay.

Monday the sem was closed for Memorial Day and so I had a nice day off. I mowed my lawn early to avoid the heat, then came to check my email and ended up spending about 2 hours writing one, yes ONE, email…I’m insane. It wasn’t anything bad, I was just rambling as I tend to do. Hopefully, the recipient didn’t have a heart attack when they opened it this morning. Well, time will tell on that I guess.

The rest of the day was spent napping, picking up my house, fixing the disc for the mailing project, watching the Numb3rs finale and vegging. If only it had been less humid I could have gone running. That’s just way too hard on the lungs to run in 90% humidity.

So, now it’s back to normal, whatever normal is. I went to the gym this morning and ellipticated, ran and did a few crunches. I need to keep going with that – the body’s getting flabby again – which is so not good. Of course eating the color-coded M&Ms probably isn’t helping that either. (I eat them in color sets. Yes, I’m weird, I know this. But, for the record, the order is: brown, blue, red, green, yellow and orange. When eaten out of order, bad things can happen. If the order is reversed or overlooked, one must correct oneself as soon as possible. If it is not corrected, bad things can happen. Seriously. You have been warned.)

I do have a secret but I’m not going to put it here just yet. I’m worried I might jinx it. And besides I’m not sure I want the outcome that may come anyway. But we’ll see and when I do I will, of course, let you, my internet, blogging and blog-reading friends, know.

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