16 November 2008

Prop 8 - and Moe gets political

Kat said this so much better so I'm going to link to her...please read and watch/listen to Keith at the bottom. And read the comments.

I wasn't going to post about this because I have a few conservative types who read my blog and I really try to stay anti-political (for the most part) on this site. I'm generally anti-politics because everyone has a right to their own opinion and blah blah blah. Plus I live in the ultimate conservative state where people look at me cross-eyed when I mention I have gay boyfriends (which I'm also not allowed to talk about on this site, but that's for other reasons).

But my SIL and I started talking about this yesterday and she's as upset as I am about Prop 8 passing that I thought I'd post Kat's post here from the other day and just see if anything stirs up.

I'm saddened that our country continues to alienate the rights of others. It's depressing really. In a country where we've elected a Black man as president and are closer to a female president, we continue to push down those who are seen as "different".

Again, I don't want to get into a holy war over this, because I have my beliefs and you have yours, but a conservative radio guy pissed me off today so I'm going to quickly blog about it.

I didn't listen to the guy long because he was just stupid, but he was talking about a study that states conservatives are happier than liberals, mostly because they are comfortable with who they are, what they have and they don't feel the need to change the world. Liberals are depressed because they look at the world and think it needs to change so they aren't happy.

What killed me about this is that they guy used the Gay Rights protesters as his example. "You don't see conservatives protesting. Who's doing all the protesting? It's those gay rights folks doing the protesting; and their guy got elected president!"

That last part pissed me off. Because apparently, for being a radio guy, he doesn't pay attention to the news. They aren't protesting because Obama was elected. They are protesting because their rights are taken away! And I'd really like to see the conservatives stay all happy-go-lucky if their rights were taken away as the gays were in California.

Sooo all that said, I'm linking to Kat, because she's a better writer and speaks what I believe so much better. And Desi as well, because she started the same way I did in life...

Take it or leave it. Your choice. I'm just stating my feelings here. You're welcome to your opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I think they all just like to THINK we're unhappy. Perfectly happy people should/would still protest inequality, I would think?