18 March 2008

Early morning

This is starting to get annoying. Last week I kept waking up at 3 or 3:30. I'd lie in bed trying to fall back asleep or at least nap until I had to get up. I'd end up falling dead asleep around 4:30 or 5 only to oversleep my alarm and be late for work.

This weekend I took advantage of not having any appointments, per se, and slept until I woke up. It was nice. I felt rested and ready to go for the day.

Well, this morning it happened again. I kind of knew it would happen because today I have a lot going on at work that I don't want to mess up, but because of that I really need my rest.

I woke up at 3:18. Finally about 10 minutes ago I said screw it and got up. Tossing and turning in bed isn't going to help. But now I'm yawning and could really use a nap, but I don't dare go back to bed now. Crap. I guess it's a chai and diet coke day.

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