04 October 2006

On Writing

“Writing, I think, is not always an act of creation. Sometimes I think it’s like a poison that inhabits your being, and the only way to get rid of it is to have the pen press deeply and quickly on the empty pages, releasing your darkest secrets and your most shameful thoughts, which may be minor discretions to most, but to you are something you have to expel in order to free yourself. …to look at our own lives and to expose as much as you can allow yourself to, is to bring relief and understanding to what pains you.” – Neil Simon from The Play Goes On: A Memoir, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1999

Profound, is it not? Though the pen pressed deeply and quickly on empty pages doesn’t work for me…my mind works too quickly to keep up with my slow hands…I type. And typing out deep, dark secrets can be very scary but also liberating. It’s like on “Prison Break” this week where the druggie FBI guy tells Tweener that it’s refreshing to confess and get it off your chest. So is writing a form of confession? Will someday there be writing confessionals or a website where you choose the sins you’ve committed and up pops your penance?

I don’t know that I do this enough (ha! I know some of your are thinking, hello! Have you not read your past few blogs?). maybe I need to let myself out there a bit more…talk about things I haven’t – relationships, life, work, etc. – more in details with a better explanation than all the beating around the bush I do. That could be dangerous though. But if I’m living my life, is it that much more dangerous to put it out on the web? Oh wait, maybe yes.

Either way, writing/typing is very therapeutic. Plus, apparently it sounds professional when I’m sitting at my work desk typing away – even though I’m typing away emails to cute boys or IM’s to fun friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Moe,
How are you? I agree that writing is a great way of expressing oneself and doing it on the keys is better and easier than on paper. One reason for me that is, is that my mom or my teachers didn't correct my penmanship and guide me into the way of the pen. I do have a signature that I am proud to say is readable. Be careful about telling the world your deepest darkest secrets tho. Save them for your dearest and trustworthy friends.
I do like your idea of the writing of confessions. Its like the movie where people would send their prayers on line to God and he would answer them.
I have a question for you. Can we ever over work God? I wonder about that alot. I sometimes feel that I can work though a problem without asking for his help. It's not that I don't want his help or his opinion, it's just that I forget that he's there for me when I need him. Am I making sense on this? I am going to start including him in on my thoughts and ask him what he would do. What do you think that Moe?
Anyway, I will continue to read your Blog and identify with your situations. Thank-you for being you and sharing your life with others.