18 July 2005


So the whole, "I have to clean the house!" and "I'm reading HP slow to savor it" sort of flew out the window yesterday. It was still hotter than snot so after working a couple hours at the ID I went home and ended up reading and watching movies the rest of the day - how sad. I did do laundry, so at least I accomplished something, but my house is still in shambles! How sad am I...don't answer that - it's rhetorical.

But HP is turning out to be quite delightful - it's much more adult than previous books but still with the hint of kidness. I'm really enjoying it.

Very good news - E got a call so he will soon be forevermore Pastor EG. Well That's not what we're calling him but brevity is the the highest goal here at blogger... :) Anyway, Congrats E! I'm really happy for you!

And while we're on the subject of E, let me also pass along best wishes for K as she interviews today. Prayers are with you, dear! :)

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